Sunday, November 19, 2006

Gospel listening.

So I went to listen to the second gospel listening today (11/19/06) one week after i listened to the other one. This time, however, the system seemed to be on the fritz. It took several minutes to load each song, sometimes would play multiple songs over eachother resluting in a chaotic mess on noise (Which the only way to remedy was to stop the song, which in turn made us have to reload the song for several minutes). All in all I would say I was there for around an hour, and only got half way through the list, spending most of my time being frusterated rather then listening intently.

From what I did hear though i got a picture that i hope is accurate. Many of the songs seemed to include one lead singer with a chorus line behind his singing lines in between his. Many times is felt kind of like call and response songs. The singers often felt like they were preaching rather then singing. Songs often had much clapping used as percussion, and the singers added rythems to the song.

All in all I was a little to frusterated with the system to do an decent job listening and writing about these songs. I hope by the time we get another listening assingment that the system is fixed.

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