Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Blog summery Nov 14

"Well in my search for recent blog posts I realized that there was not a whole lot of recent posts." -Jacknife's Jottings

The quote pretty much holds up for this week as well, with the exception that those of you who did blog almost all blogeged on the gospel music we were supposed to listen to. I actually feel like less of a slacker after looking through more then half blog pages. Its kind of ridiculous. There are people that haven't blogged in months and many others last blogs were the required ones for the folkways listenings.

Anyways, most of the blogs this week are on the gospel listening assinment. Most people took sides on whether or not they liked it, many in fact listed which ones they liked and which they did not. People also tended to make generalizations about the music, but some did things like comparing them to other forms of music. On that comes to mind was a blog was one where the author compared a song to Native American music. They talked about how the similarities and how the gosple lacked the powerful drum of the Native American Music.

There were several other blogs that were not about the gosple music. Several blogs were on various music shows that people have been to recently. I posted one on the Red Hot Chili Pepper Concert and someone else posted on the Decemberist Concert. There was also a nice blog by Jweb on the Blacks imitating Whites Piece that was posted on the main blog.

Well thats my blog summery. Hope you can get something out of this.

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