Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Blues Chapter 3

Well I feel that I should blog about something that is more closely related to the class than my previous posts, so I would like to share a few thoughts on Chapter 3 of our good old blues book.

Much of the chapter seems to be focused on how blues records effected other artists and helped to make many of the Delta blues musicians what they became. But blues appered on its own before these records. The apperance of the record allowed other artists to listen to a song over and over again, thus being able to learn it. Learning it was one thing, but each artist seemed to chance the songs they learned to make them their own, much more so than what is practiced now in the current music scean. Now people must get permission from another artist before they can play a song of theirs on a CD. I see this as limiting the ways at which artists can express themselves, taking a song they enjoy and making it there own.

All throughout the Delta musicians learned from one another and played eachothers songs and its what lead to such great stuff coming out of the Delta. There were reconizable tunes coming out that people could experiment with changing in any number of ways. Each artist barrowed from another, and some people it the future barrowed from them. I believe it to be of great importance on the emergance of blues in the Delta.

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