Tuesday, September 26, 2006

It has come to my attention...

That certain people posted on their respective blogs that we were being "too Critical" of the govener after her speech. I would like to say that I do not believe that we should consider the way were were talking to be overly critical, because she is a politician. It is our duty as voters to hold our politicians to high standerds or else we will end up with an out of control government that does not represent the views of the people. I mean just look at our government right now. No one is holding anyone responsible and everything is getting out of hand.

1 comment:

Nic McPhee said...

I think you need to be a clearer about what they meant by "too critical" and what you mean by it. What exactly were people being critical about? The content of her presentation, or more the style of it? Politicians will, for example, respond to the issues that we critique, so if we say very little about the content of her talk, then it seems that she's likely to spend less energy on the content of future talks.